Register for Ceramics Workshops

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Current Workshops:  ARTS 524, ARTS 564, ARTS 598A

Arts 507 - Platters, and other Advanced Techniques,

Instructor: Kristen Muller,

Date:  Sat. & Sun. November 23 & 24,

Time: 10-4pm,

Location: Tatem Studio 1  

modality: Traditional

Description: An in-depth study of throwing large platters, drying, trimming and firing. (1 credit)

(workshop fee: $250) 

Arts 524 - Clay Calculation, Theory & Practice

Instructor: Natalia Kormeluk

Date:  full semester starting January 22, 2025 ending May 7, 2025

Time: Every Wednesday, 5:30pm - 8:15pm

Location: Tatem Building, Studio 1  

Modality: Traditional

Description: A study of clay bodies desired by the studio potter, testing and correction of body formulas: stoneware, porcelain, flame ware, and hand-building. Slips, terra sigillata and glaze base. (2 credit)

(workshop fee: $500) 

Arts 525 - Electric Kiln Technology Firing Theory.  (1 credit)

Instructor: Bradley Birkhimer

Dates:  Sat. & Sun., Oc.t 19 & 20

Time: 10am - 5pm

Location: Tatem Building - Hand building Studio. and Electric kiln room.

Modality: In person traditional

Description: A detailed study of programing, trouble shooting, maintaining, and firing electric kilns. (1 credit)
(Workshop: fee $250)

Arts 531- Wood fire and Theory

Instructor: Jackie Scott

Date: Wednesday - Sunday, Nov. 13, 14,15, 16, 17.  

Time: 9 am- 5 pm

Location: Hodson Studio and Kiln Pad

Modality: Traditional

Description: A study in the methods for glazing, loading and firing a wood burning kiln. (1 credit)

 (workshop fee: $250)

Arts 543- History of Ceramic Arts

Instructor: Natalia Kormeluk

Date: Full semester starting August 19 through December 4th

Time:  Every Wednesday, 5:30- 8:15 pm

Location: Room 206-Tatem Building

Modality: Hybrid, in person and several zoom meetings.

Description: An overview of the history of world ceramic arts with guest speakers and visits to museum collections. (3 credits)

(workshop fee: $750)

Arts 564 - Aesthetics & Criticism

Instructor: Natalia Kormeluk

Date & Time: Friday 1/24/25, 5pm - 9pm; Sat 1/25/25, 10am - 4pm

                       Friday 2/21/25, 5pm - 9pm; Sat 2/22/25, 10am - 4pm

                       Friday 3/21/25, 5pm - 9pm; Sat 3/22/25, 10am - 4pm

                       Friday 4/25/25, 5pm - 9pm; Sat 4/26/25, 10am - 4pm

Location: Tatem Senior Room

Modality: Traditional

Description: Participants will formulate a methodology for recognizing their own professional philosophy on aesthetics, its variations, and its relationship to their creative work. Past and contemporary interpretations will be studied. Universal concepts of aesthetics, design, and criticism will be reviewed as they appear in the arts of various media in general and how they apply to three dimensional ceramics specifically. (3 credits)

(workshop fee: $500)

Arts 598A - Teapots Exploration Form & Function

Instructor: Kristen Muller

Date & Time: March 1-2 Sat & Sun, March 8 - 9 Sat & Sun, 10am - 4pm all days

Location: Tatem Studio 1

Modality: Hybrid, in person and several zoom meetings.

Description: Exploring the design of asymmetrical composite forms and their function, including teapots. Parts are thrown on the potter's wheel and joined to create a harmonious vessel or sculpture. (2 credits)

(workshop fee: $250)

* = Required field

Accounting Office | 401 Rosemont Ave. Frederick, Maryland 21701 | (301) 696-3607

Workshop List (this group if for easy, post-submission notification text)
Old Courses

Documentation Text Fields

Course Listings Documentation
Summer 2023 Workshops:  ARTS 502, ARTS 504, ARTS 599CM, 

Fall 2023 Workshops: ARTS 512, ARTS 513, ARTS 531, ARTS 545

Spring 2024 Workshops:  ARTS 501, ARTS 505, ARTS 522, ARTS 528, ARTS 530, ARTS 546

Spring 2025: ARTS 524, ARTS 564, ARTS 598A

Old Email Setup
Before Fall 2023

ARTS 543: History of Ceramics
With: Chaz Martinsen
Class Times: Wednesdays, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 6PM - 8:30PM
Teaching Modality: Synchronous Online
Description: A survey of the history of ceramic arts from its beginning through the present time in
the context of the history of the people who made and used the wares. The ways that these examples
were made and their place in the history of ceramic technology will also be examined.
Workshop Fee: $675

ARTS 505: Master’s Throwing I
With: Kristin Muller
Class Times: Thursday-Sunday, 3/30 - 4/2, 9AM - 5PM
Teaching Modality: Synchronous Online
Description: An in-depth study of advanced throwing concepts designed to assist the student to cognitively understand the essence of clay, the broadcast potential of the medium and learn to respond to the forces affecting the movement of clay during the  throwing process in a synthesis of skill, knowledge and artistic expression.
Workshop Fee: $450

ARTS 522: Glaze Calculation, Theory & Practice
With: Natalia Kormeluk
Class Times: Mondays, 1/24 - 5/13, 5:30PM - 9PM
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: This course will explore the composition, properties and application of materials used in
ceramics to aid in the development of glaze compositions for pottery and sculpture.
Workshop Fee: $675

ARTS 528: Contemporary Raku Techniques & Practices
With: Natalia Kormeluk
Class Times: Saturdays & Sundays, 2/18-2/19, 311-3/12, 4/22-4/23, 10AM - 4:15PM
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Prerequisite: Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the graduate ceramic arts programs. Lab fee. 
Knowledge of the raku process is essential for MA and MFA students.
Description: Raku firing provides a basic understanding 
of the oxidation/reduction cycles for the firing of all fuel fired kilns.
Workshop Fee: $450

ARTS 530: Kiln Technology and Firing Theory
With: Chaz Martinsen
Class Times: 1/27-1/29, 2/4-2/5, Fridays 6PM - 9PM, Saturdays & Sundays 9AM - 5PM
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: A study in kiln stacking and firing procedures with concentration on reduction atmosphere
 firings; notes on types of kilns and basic kiln construction, 
oxidation firing, kiln maintenance and repair, kiln furniture, heat measuring devices and safety equipment.
*** Students will need to have a plethora (more the merrier) of 
work bisque fired for this course. We will be firing to 
cone 6 reduction and/or oxidation as we explore a 
new glaze palette for the
Ceramic Arts Program ***
Workshop Fee: $450

ARTS 564: Aesthetics & Criticism
With: Natalia Kormeluk
Class Times: Saturdays, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/18, 4/15, 4/29, 9AM - 5PM
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: The freedom of personal aesthetic expression is the goal toward which most
artists strive. Criticism, the spoken or written talk about art, conveys a power to build or destroy. 
The course will explore the language of aesthetics and criticism to bring the student toward the 
creation and interpretation of beauty and meaning in their artistic statement.
Workshop Fee: $675

Fall 2023

ARTS 512: Eastern and Western Trimming
With: Kristin Muller
Dates: 10/20-10/22
Class Times: Friday 5pm-9pm, Sat/Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Synchronous Online
Description: The importance of the finishing of the thrown work by turning the foot and the trimming of excess clay to refine the form has often been overlooked. The details of trimming enhance or destroy the structural integrity of the form. It is critical for the potter to understand the qualities essential for the structure and aesthetics of the completed piece.
Workshop Fee: $250

ARTS 513: Tea bowl History, Practice and Design
With: Kristin Muller
Dates: 11/9-11/12
Class Times: Friday 5pm-9pm, Sat/Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: This course explores the rich history of the tea bowl and tea ceremony across cultures, which includes Japan, China and Korea, among other cultures. Methods of construction may include utilizing the wheel, kick wheel, coil/pinch or working with subtractive sculpting techniques. The design, materials and firing processes of historical and contemporary tea bowls will be discussed and implemented to add contemporary designs and voices to the traditional tea bowl language.
Workshop Fee: $500

ARTS 531: Wood Firing Theory
With: Jacklyn Scott
Dates: 11/15-11/19
Class Times: Wed - Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: A study in wood firing with information on stoking patterns, heat rise and firing theory, wadding composition and placement, loading and stacking procedures, types of woods, stoking patterns; the effects of oxidation/reduction cycles and more will be covered. Full participation in all aspects of preparation and firing is required.
Workshop Fee: $500
*** This course is taught by an alumna that helped build the Sanderson Eco Train Kiln! This class would pair wonderfully with the Tea Bowl course

ARTS 545: Large and Composite Sculpture
With: Hood Faculty
Dates: 9/9-9/10, 9/16-9/17, 9/30-10/1
Class Times: Sat/Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: Directed study in design, construction and finishing of composite and architectural ceramics with emphasis on specific engineering requirements for construction, drying and firing. Topics will include construction methods for slab, coil, composite, mural and architectural projects.
Workshop Fee: $750

ARTS 502: East Asian Coil
With: Ray Chen
Dates: 7/21 - 7/23
Class Times: Fridays 5pm-9pm, Sat/Sun 9am/5pm
Teaching Modality: Synchronous Online
Description: One of the most valuable methods for the construction of asymmetrical work, East Asian Wedged Coil Technique provides the greatest wet structural strength for clay sculpture. Learn coil making and building, and the advanced techniques of coil riveting, ribbing, bridging, boating and bracing for large and/or sculptural forms in clay.
Workshop Fee: $250

ARTS 504: Ceramic Surface Design
With: Jenna Gianni
Dates: 7/26-7/30
Class Times: 9am - 5pm
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: An in-depth study of materials and techniques suitable for the enrichment of clay and glaze surfaces, decoration in the forming process, the bisque fired stage, the use of firing technologies, post-firing techniques, and three-dimensional design concepts that evoke appropriate design elements for sculptural and utilitarian works in clay.
Workshop Fee: $750

ARTS 599CM: Creating Concept Through Material
With: Jenny Reed
Dates: 7/14-7/16
Class Times: Friday 5pm-9pm, Sat/Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: This course is designed to experiment with objects, surfaces and compositions with the intention of utilizing material as a visual and conceptual component. You will explore how the material used can alter or define the meaning of a work of art, with emphasis in relation to clay/ceramics. We will explore it primarily in two ways: ceramic with other materials and other materials on the ceramic surface.
Workshop Fee: $250

ARTS 512: Eastern and Western Trimming
With: Kristin Muller
Dates: 10/20-10/22
Class Times: Friday 5pm-9pm, Sat/Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Synchronous Online
Description: The importance of the finishing of the thrown work by turning the foot and the trimming of excess clay to refine the form has often been overlooked. The details of trimming enhance or destroy the structural integrity of the form. It is critical for the potter to understand the qualities essential for the structure and aesthetics of the completed piece.
Workshop Fee: $250

ARTS 531: Wood Firing Theory
With: Jacklyn Scott
Dates: 11/15-11/19
Class Times: Wed - Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: A study in wood firing with information on stoking patterns, heat rise and firing theory, wadding composition and placement, loading and stacking procedures, types of woods, stoking patterns; the effects of oxidation/reduction cycles and more will be covered. Full participation in all aspects of preparation and firing is required.
Workshop Fee: $500
*** This course is taught by an alumna that helped build the Sanderson Eco Train Kiln! This class would pair wonderfully with the Tea Bowl course.

ARTS 545: Large and Composite Sculpture
With: Hood Faculty
Dates: 9/9-9/10, 9/16-9/17, 9/30-10/1
Class Times: Sat/Sun 9am-5pm
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: Directed study in design, construction and finishing of composite and architectural ceramics with emphasis on specific engineering requirements for construction, drying and firing. Topics will include construction methods for slab, coil, composite, mural and architectural projects.
Workshop Fee: $750

Spring 2024

ARTS 501: Glaze Application - 1 credit
With: Jenna Gianni

Dates: 2/16, 2/17, & 2/18
Class Times: Fri 5 pm - 9pm, Sat/Sun 9am - 5pm
Room: TA 4 & TA 1

Teaching Modality: Traditional

Description: Lab fee! Course meets 2/16-2/18.
A study of basic and advanced information and techniques for successful glazing of the ceramic form. Learn to analyze the bisque form to make appropriate finishing choices to balance or strengthen the composition, learn techniques that will facilitate the glazing process and discuss procedures to standardize to achieve consistent glaze results.

Workshop Fee: $250

ARTS 505: Ceramic Wheel: Master's Throwing - 2 credits
With: Yoshi Fujii

Dates: 1/26, 1/27 - 1/28 & 2/2, 2/3 - 2/4
Class Times: Fri 5 pm - 9pm, Sat/Sun 9am - 5p
Room: TA 1

Teaching Modality: Traditional

Description: An in-depth study of advanced throwing concepts designed to assist the student to cognitively understand the essence of clay, the broadcast potential of the medium and learn to respond to the forces affecting the movement of clay during the throwing process in a synthesis of skill, knowledge and artistic expression.

Workshop Fee: $500

ARTS 522: Glaze Calculation - 3 credit
With: Natalia Kormeluk

Dates: Every Monday
Class Times: Mon 5:30- 9:00
Room: TA 1 & TA 4

Teaching Modality: Traditional

Description: This course will explore the composition, properties and application of materials used in ceramics to aid in the development of glaze compositions for pottery and sculpture.

Workshop Fee: $750

ARTS 528: Contemporary Raku Techniques - 2 credits
With: Natalia Kormeluk

Dates: 2/10- 2/11, 3/9-10, 4/13-14 (Three weekends)
Class Times: Sat/Sun 9am - 5pm
Room: TA 1 - lectures, Kiln Pad and Annex for crit and work development
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Prerequisite: Enrollment restricted to students admitted to the graduate ceramic arts programs!
Description: Lab fee! Meetings: 2/10-11, 3/9-10 & 4/13-14
Knowledge of the raku process is essential for MA and MFA students. Raku firing provides a basic understanding of the oxidation/reduction cycles for the firing of all fuel fired kilns.

Workshop Fee: $500

ARTS 530: Kiln Technology & Firing Theory - 2 credit
With: Chaz Martinsen

Dates: 4/19, 4/20-4/21 & 4/26, 4/27-4/28
Class Times: Fri 5 pm - 9pm, Sat/Sun 9am - 5pm
Room: TA 1 - Kiln Pad
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: Lab fee! Meetings: 4/19-21 & 4/26-28
A study in kiln stacking and firing procedures with concentration on reduction atmosphere firings; notes on types of kilns and basic kiln construction, oxidation firing, kiln maintenance and repair, kiln furniture, heat measuring devices and safety equipment.

Workshop Fee: $500

ARTS 546: Mold Making and Slip Casting - 3 credits
With: Chaz Martinsen

Dates: Every Wednesday
Class Times: Wed 5:30-8pm
Room: TA 1 & TA 13
Teaching Modality: Traditional
Description: This course is a study of the history, technical processes and proper application of mold making and slip casting. A combination of lecture, demonstration and experiential methods will be used to develop three-dimensional problem solving, proper plaster use and casting slip formulation. Multi-part molds will be created from prototypes, cycles of production will be generated and the science behind creating and maintaining proper slip consistency will be taught to achieve consistent results.

Workshop Fee: $750

Fall 2024 Workshops:   


Arts 543- History of Ceramic Arts

Instructor: Natalia Kormeluk

Date: full semester starting August 19 through December 4th

Time:  Every Wednesday, 5:30- 8:15 pm

Location: Room 206-Tatem Building

Modality: Hybrid, in person and several zoom meetings.

Description: An overview of the history of world ceramic arts with guest speakers and visits to museum collections. (3 credits)

(workshop fee: $750)


Arts 507 - Platters, and other Advanced Techniques,

Instructor: Kristen Muller,

Date:  Sat. & Sun. November 23 & 24,

Time: 10-4pm,

Location: Tatem Studio 1  

modality: Traditional

Description: An in-depth study of throwing large platters, drying, trimming and firing. (1 credit)

(workshop fee: $250) 


Arts 525 - Electric Kiln Technology Firing Theory.  (1 credit)

Instructor: Bradley Birkhimer

Dates:  Sat. & Sun., Oc.t 19 & 20

Time: 10am - 5pm

Location: Tatem Building - Hand building Studio. and Electric kiln room.

Modality: In person traditional

Description: A detailed study of programing, trouble shooting, maintaining, and firing electric kilns. (1 credit)
(Workshop: fee $250)


Arts 531- Wood fire and Theory

Instructor: Jackie Scott

Date: Wednesday - Sunday, Nov. 13, 14,15, 16, 17.  

Time: 9 am- 5 pm

Location: Hodson Studio and Kiln Pad

Modality: Traditional

Description: A study in the methods for glazing, loading and firing a wood burning kiln. (1 credit)

 (workshop fee: $250)

Old Workshops / Templates (Hidden)

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Accounting Office | 401 Rosemont Ave. Frederick, Maryland 21701 | (301) 696-3607