Graduate Housing & Food Service Contract 2024-2025

Hood College

Hood College provides a comfortable living environment in its residence halls to those full-time, graduate students who wish to live on campus. Additionally, there are limited spaces available for enrolled graduate students.

Hood College offers an integrated room and board plan to all residents. Graduate students residing in College housing are not required to participate in a board plan but may choose to purchase a plan if desired.

The agreement remains in effect for the academic year as long as the signer remains enrolled at Hood College; or, until such action to remove a student from residence might be recommended to the Dean of Students or designee by a constituted judicial (student conduct) body and such a recommendation is accepted; or, as an administrative decision by the Dean of Students or designee.

Definitions. For the purposes of this agreement the terms “residence hall," "residential system," and "residence halls" are understood to include any facility in which Hood College provides housing to students, including, but not limited to, traditional residence halls, on- and off-campus facilities leased and/or owned by the College, duplexes/language houses, and honors houses. The terms "resident(s)," "resident student(s)," and "student(s)" are understood to reference the Hood College student(s) living in such housing. The term "College" is understood to mean Hood College of Frederick, Maryland. The term "Agreement" is understood to reference this Housing & Food Service Contract and incorporated documents specified herein.

Severability. In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this agreement, but this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had never been contained herein.

Headings. Descriptive headings are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement.

General Conditions Student Rights and Responsibilities. (1) Each student who resides in a residence hall at Hood College has the right to expect their room to be in good repair and to include basic furnishings of bed, mattress, desk, chair, dresser, and closet space (which may be shared amongst roommates). (2) Hood College reserves the right to assign and/or re-assign residents as deemed necessary. Changing rooms and/or occupying space without approval may result in fines of $25 per day and/or judicial (student conduct) action by the College which may include a requirement that the student move back to her or his originally assigned space. (3) Whenever possible, resident student’s opinions will be sought in the establishment of procedures and policies regarding residential living and in judicial (student conduct) proceedings addressing violations of procedures and policies. (4) Students do not have a contractual right to host guests and visitors, rather this is a privilege extended by the College. In exercising this privilege, students are expected to comply with the "Guests and Visitors" policy in the Student Handbook and assume responsibility for the conduct of the guest or visitor. (5) Students have a responsibility to adhere to all College policies and procedures including, but not limited to, those governing student conduct and compliance with the requests of College staff and officials. Failure to meet these responsibilities is a violation of the general conditions of this Agreement.

Room and Board Period. The Housing & Food Service Contract stipulates that a student occupies a space in the residential system for the academic year (fall and spring semesters), unless the student enters in January and resides during the spring semester only. For graduate students, housing (not board) is provided when the College is closed, (i.e., Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break and Spring Break) provided the student notifies Residence Life of their intent to stay by completing a break housing form. The Agreement automatically terminates when the student leaves Hood (note "Room Fee Refunds" section). Students leaving residence due to a Hood academic program may be released from the contract provided the arrangements for leaving residence are completed before registration day of the semester involved. Students leaving residence mid-year due to other reasons (e.g., commuting from home) must get permission from the Director of Residence Life. A student may be dismissed from residence by procedures outlined in the judicial (student conduct) system or by the Dean of Students or designee, if it is determined that the student’s behavior violates college policy; if the student is no longer regularly attending classes; or if the student is involuntary withdrawn by the Health and/or Counseling Center.

Meal Plan Options. Hood College offers an integrated room and board plan. The College offers four meal plan options for graduate residential students. (1) The All Access meal plan option offers a student all daily meals of continuous dining per week during the scheduled hours of operation in Coblentz Dining Hall, where any combination of meals may be used, plus $100 bonus per semester for personal or guest use in the Coblentz Dining Hall or the Whitaker Campus Center (WCC) Blazer, and five guest meals per semester in the Dining Hall. (2) The 10-meal plan offers students 10 meals per week of continuous dining during the scheduled hours of operation in Coblentz Dining Hall where any combination of meals may be used but must not exceed 10 meals per week, plus $200 bonus per semester for personal or guest use in the Dining Hall or the WCC Blazer, and three guest meals per semester for use in the Dining Hall. For the aforementioned plans, unused meals and credits are forfeit (do not roll over to the next period). (3) The Commuter meal plan option offers a student 50 meals to be used throughout the course of a semester during the scheduled hours of operation in Coblentz Dining Hall, where any combination of meals may be used but must not exceed 50 meals per semester, plus $400 bonus per semester for personal or guest use in the Coblentz Dining Hall or the WCC Blazer. Unused meals and credits are forfeit (do not roll over to the next period). (4) The Waived meal plan option allows graduate students to opt-out of a meal plan entirely in recognition of the central kitchen facility available and the desire of some students to prepare or purchase their own meals.

Room Fee Payment. Residential room fees are collected each semester. While the housing agreement is in effect for the entire academic year, collecting fees per semester is designed to ease the student’s financial burden. Room fee payments are due when tuition bills are due.

Changing Residential Status. Students who have electronically signed a housing contract may not later change to commuter status during the period of the contract. The exception to this is if there has been a substantial financial hardship which was unknown at the time of entering into this housing contract, or if exigent circumstances exist which are extreme warranting the necessity of living off campus; the student would need to complete detailed documentation with the Director of Residence Life and be approved in order to be released from this contract. It is very rare to be released from the housing contract to live off campus. Those ultimately approved must pay a $500 contract cancellation fee.

The deadline to request from the Director of Residence Life to change from commuter status to residential status is October 31 for the upcoming spring semester and June 1 for the upcoming fall semester to guarantee space on campus; changing from commuter to residential status is contingent on the availability of space.

Room Fee Refunds. Students must notify the Office of the Registrar promptly of any intention to withdraw or transfer. Room fees are 100 percent refundable if a student withdraws prior to the first day of classes, notwithstanding applicable cancellation fees. Thereafter, no refund is granted. Please note that the acceptance of an internship after the semester begins, withdrawal from Hood due to illness, or dismissal for academic or social reasons does not result in a refund of the room fee.

Board Refunds. Mid-semester pro-rated refunds of board payments are made upon withdrawal or transfer from Hood or a change to commuter status. This refund is calculated on a weekly basis according to the meal plan option selected for that given semester. The pro-rated refund policy applies to board only.

Damages. Residents have an opportunity, at the initial time of room occupancy, to list any damages or missing items in their respective rooms on a room condition form. When a student leaves the residence hall, members of the College staff will check the room to ensure that no additional damages have occurred. In addition, residents must clean the space and leave it in the same or better condition from move-in. If there are damages or fees, the charge will be assessed on the student’s account and must be paid in a timely manner.

Miscellaneous. While Hood College recognizes and respects the rights of students to have privacy with respect to their person and personal belongings, the College will exercise control over the residence halls, when necessary, to preserve a wholesome learning and living environment, to provide adequate maintenance and protection of its property, and to protect the health and safety of all persons in the living environment and/or on the campus. The College reserves the right to enter residential spaces (including all living spaces/rooms) and, if circumstances warrant, to search student rooms within the procedures outlined in the “Search and Seizure” section of the Student Handbook. The College also reserves the right to reassign students within the residential system as deemed appropriate (including consolidation of assignments) by the Dean of Students or Director of Residence Life, as well as to designate areas for special use.

Emergency Contact Information. All resident students are required to provide the College with contact and related information for use in emergency situations, at the sole discretion of the College. It is the sole responsibility of the resident to ensure the accuracy of said information (including updates if changes should occur). New information is received in the Orientation process on the Health Center’s Emergency Contact form. Updates may be made by the student to the Health Center staff or the Student Life Suite Office Manager. In addition, residents are strongly encouraged to register contact information with the Hood Alert Emergency Notification System via the website: .

Mobile Phone Information. All resident students are required to provide the College with a mobile telephone number for contact purposes (through Self-Service > My Profile > Phone Numbers) and to update it if it changes. It is the sole responsibility of the resident to ensure the accuracy and functionality of the telephone number they provide. The College may provide the mobile phone number to the RA and resident’s roommate as a point of contact. The College does not release or publish telephone numbers to other students or to parties external to the College. Faculty and staff who routinely utilize telephone numbers will have access to this information. Students who do not possess a mobile telephone will be required to provide an alternative means of contact. The acceptance of such alternative means of contact to fulfill this requirement is at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life.

Discrimination Disclaimer. Hood College does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, disability, religion, age, or any other protected classification under applicable federal, state, or local law, in recruitment, admission and access to, or treatment, or employment in its programs, services, benefits, or activities as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, and their implementing regulations. Hood College complies with applicable laws regarding reasonable accommodation for disabled students and employees. Applicants requiring reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the application process, or to have access to a program, service, or activity of Hood College are requested to contact the Disability Services Coordinator.

Liability. Hood College shall not be liable directly or indirectly for loss or damage to personal property by fire, theft or other cause. Residential students are encouraged to review their homeowner’s insurance policy for coverage of personal property while away at college or while belongings are stored in Hood College facilities or purchase separate coverage.

Termination by the College
The Housing & Food Service Contract may be terminated by the College upon violation of the general conditions of this Agreement. As noted in the “Room Fee Refunds” section, such termination does not result in a refund of the room fee. Any revisions or additions to housing policies will be communicated clearly to residents. Once communicated, the changes and additions are incorporated into the Agreement conditions and are immediately applicable. All policies outlined in the Student Handbook are presumed to be incorporated in this Agreement.

If you have further questions or desire clarification of any information in this agreement, please call or email the Office of Residence Life at (301) 696-3577 or

Graduate Housing & Food Service Contract 2024-2025

Hood College

If you have further questions or desire clarification of any information in this agreement, please call or email the Office of Residence Life at (301) 696-3577 or

By signing this contract, I acknowledge that a non-refundable $500 housing deposit is required to secure my on-campus graduate housing.  The deposit will be applied according to the semester you are applying for, either Fall, Spring or a full year contract.

If needed, please update your mobile phone number below:

Please follow the link on the confirmation page to make your deposit for Graduate Housing!